Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the research is the appraisal of the efficiency limit of labor unit and capital under conditions of innovative development at agricultural enterprises in the Komi Republic Agricultural Sector. Abstract theorems which represent the matter of expenditures as an economic category are considered in this article. Regularities of the shifts in labor and capital productivity at different forms of intensive reproduction are specified. The results connected with the determination of total, average, marginal expenditures, marginal net yield and marginal damage, and also with the integral estimate of economic resources cost productivity at agricultural enterprises are stated. It is found that limiting efficiency has an unstable wavelike nature which allows telling about cyclical pattern of microeconomic dynamics associated with the oscillation mechanism of labor and capital marginal cost productivity under conditions of innovative development.

total and marginal costs, gross income, marginal net income, marginal loss, factor of marginal productivity of costs
The aim of the research is the appraisal of the efficiency limit of labor unit and capital under conditions of innovative development at agricultural enterprises in the Komi Republic Agricultural Sector. Abstract theorems which represent the matter of expenditures as an economic category are considered in this article. Regularities of the shifts in labor and capital productivity at different forms of intensive reproduction are specified. The results connected with the determination of total, average, marginal expenditures, marginal net yield and marginal damage, and also with the integral estimate of economic resources cost productivity at agricultural enterprises are stated. It is found that limiting efficiency has an unstable wavelike nature which allows telling about cyclical pattern of microeconomic dynamics associated with the oscillation mechanism of labor and capital marginal cost productivity under conditions of innovative development.

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