Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Cooperation in agriculture is given in the article as the best form of interaction of agricultural producers, as well as the most effective way to ensure sustainable growth of agricultural production in personal subsidiary and farms. Showing modern ways and peculiarities of the development of consumer cooperatives in agriculture. The problems of creation and functioning of cooperative sector in agriculture in the region. The analysis of the state support of small forms of managing. The dynamics of development of agricultural consumer cooperation. It is concluded that collective forms of management, such as cooperation, is a powerful stimulus of development of economy of agrarian sector. This requires a sustainable mechanisms of state regulation and the strengthening of support measures at all levels of government. The directions and mechanisms of increase of efficiency of state regulation of agricultural cooperation.

Smolensk oblast, agricultural consumer cooperatives, small farms, private farms, state support, agriculture, agricultural products
Cooperation in agriculture is given in the article as the best form of interaction of agricultural producers, as well as the most effective way to ensure sustainable growth of agricultural production in personal subsidiary and farms. Showing modern ways and peculiarities of the development of consumer cooperatives in agriculture. The problems of creation and functioning of cooperative sector in agriculture in the region. The analysis of the state support of small forms of managing. The dynamics of development of agricultural consumer cooperation. It is concluded that collective forms of management, such as cooperation, is a powerful stimulus of development of economy of agrarian sector. This requires a sustainable mechanisms of state regulation and the strengthening of support measures at all levels of government. The directions and mechanisms of increase of efficiency of state regulation of agricultural cooperation.

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