Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article summarizes the data on promising directions of development of «green economy» and environmental policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in energy, transport and agriculture, the implementation of the national strategy on use of alternative and renewable energy sources; opportunities for development of alternative energy, indicating the most promising areas of Azerbaijan for the development of solar energy, wind and hydropower, geothermal energy and energy production from biomass; structure of agriculture; the problems associated with the semi-nomadic animal husbandry; inefficient use of water resources; the data on stocks of traditional, alternative and renewable energy sources; the main provisions and directions of development of energy policies and energy efficiency in the Republic of Azerbaijan; summarized project data in the field of energy saving implemented in cooperation with international financial institutions, including for projects using the clean development mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol; the structure of atmospheric air pollution by motor transport and the measures implemented in the Republic of Azerbaijan, to reduce the negative impact of traffic.

green economy, sustainable development, energy, energy efficiency, renewable energy, transport, agriculture
The article summarizes the data on promising directions of development of «green economy» and environmental policy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in energy, transport and agriculture, the implementation of the national strategy on use of alternative and renewable energy sources; opportunities for development of alternative energy, indicating the most promising areas of Azerbaijan for the development of solar energy, wind and hydropower, geothermal energy and energy production from biomass; structure of agriculture; the problems associated with the semi-nomadic animal husbandry; inefficient use of water resources; the data on stocks of traditional, alternative and renewable energy sources; the main provisions and directions of development of energy policies and energy efficiency in the Republic of Azerbaijan; summarized project data in the field of energy saving implemented in cooperation with international financial institutions, including for projects using the clean development mechanism under the Kyoto Protocol; the structure of atmospheric air pollution by motor transport and the measures implemented in the Republic of Azerbaijan, to reduce the negative impact of traffic.

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