Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The use of trace elements and powders of metals (iron, zinc oxide, cobalt) and humic acids for soaking seeds before sowing the clover and subsequent spraying with microelements (boron, molybdenum, a mixture of boron with molybdenum), is a cost-effective technological methods of increase of productivity, net profit, profitability of production and reduce the cost of production. So soaking in a 0.05% solution of the iron nanopowder of clover seeds and re-spraying in the budding phase trace elements, yield increases of 1.43 (Mo), 1.79 (В), 2.78 (В+Mo). Profit increases, respectively, at 14-27 thousand/hectares cost per quintal of seeds decreases by 627-1070 rub., while profitability reaches 200-248%.

seed productivity, meadow clover, nanopowders, microelements, presowing treatment, economic efficiency
The use of trace elements and powders of metals (iron, zinc oxide, cobalt) and humic acids for soaking seeds before sowing the clover and subsequent spraying with microelements (boron, molybdenum, a mixture of boron with molybdenum), is a cost-effective technological methods of increase of productivity, net profit, profitability of production and reduce the cost of production. So soaking in a 0.05% solution of the iron nanopowder of clover seeds and re-spraying in the budding phase trace elements, yield increases of 1.43 (Mo), 1.79 (В), 2.78 (В+Mo). Profit increases, respectively, at 14-27 thousand/hectares cost per quintal of seeds decreases by 627-1070 rub., while profitability reaches 200-248%.

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