Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses about the various aspects of the taxation of building complex. In particular, there is talk about changes made to the tax law that directly affect the activities of construction companies. In addition, the item contains information about the problems that companies in this industry may face. The prospects of the industry development are determined based on the present situation in the market and in the economy in general, recommendations are also presented that can positively affect the development of the construction infrastructure in the future, reduce the gaps between building companies in the market and simplify their operation.

construction, tax law, building complex, compulsory audit, changes in law
The article discusses about the various aspects of the taxation of building complex. In particular, there is talk about changes made to the tax law that directly affect the activities of construction companies. In addition, the item contains information about the problems that companies in this industry may face. The prospects of the industry development are determined based on the present situation in the market and in the economy in general, recommendations are also presented that can positively affect the development of the construction infrastructure in the future, reduce the gaps between building companies in the market and simplify their operation.

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