Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The impact of subsidies on the financial state of the agricultural sector for various years is assessed using the «Agroexpert» program and additional calculated indicators characterizing the debt burden and profitability. It is concluded that, on the whole, the financial condition of the agricultural sector of Russia is unstable for all analyzed years. At the same time, state support in general was adequate to the situation and played a key role in 2010, when it helped prevent the development of crisis. At the same time, subsidies and other measures of agrarian policy failed to lead the sector out of the unstable third group of financial well-being.

state support of agricultural enterprises, financial analyses, indebtedness
The impact of subsidies on the financial state of the agricultural sector for various years is assessed using the «Agroexpert» program and additional calculated indicators characterizing the debt burden and profitability. It is concluded that, on the whole, the financial condition of the agricultural sector of Russia is unstable for all analyzed years. At the same time, state support in general was adequate to the situation and played a key role in 2010, when it helped prevent the development of crisis. At the same time, subsidies and other measures of agrarian policy failed to lead the sector out of the unstable third group of financial well-being.

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