Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article reflects the essence and peculiarities of the urbanization process. The influence of the urbanization process on the way of life of the population and demographic behavior is shown. It is shown that according to the forecast of the UN Population Commission, by 2050 the world population will reach 9 billion people and stabilize at this level. The main factor in reducing the birth rate should be a change in the way of life, caused by the resettlement of the population from rural areas to cities, which is accompanied by the development of cities and urban culture. The main region where urbanization will take place is Asia, and in particular China and India and a number of developing countries that are characterized by a low level of urbanization.

urbanization, the reproduction of the population, urban population, way of life
The article reflects the essence and peculiarities of the urbanization process. The influence of the urbanization process on the way of life of the population and demographic behavior is shown. It is shown that according to the forecast of the UN Population Commission, by 2050 the world population will reach 9 billion people and stabilize at this level. The main factor in reducing the birth rate should be a change in the way of life, caused by the resettlement of the population from rural areas to cities, which is accompanied by the development of cities and urban culture. The main region where urbanization will take place is Asia, and in particular China and India and a number of developing countries that are characterized by a low level of urbanization.

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