Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes the influence of social factors on the employment of disabled persons in the Russian Federation. Сhanges in this area in connection with the development programs and the adoption of new regulatory acts for 2012-2016 were analyzed. We have determined the relevance of the subject matter under study, the priority of tasks in the field of social support for disabled people. We identified the categories of key problems in the employment of disabled people in Russia. We have studied the problems that are actively being addressed and the problems that require additional resources, detailed study and active state support. We showed statistical and analytical data that clearly demonstrate the key features of the question posed.

people with disabilities, government programs, social assistance and employment of disabled persons, employment, social economy
The article describes the influence of social factors on the employment of disabled persons in the Russian Federation. Сhanges in this area in connection with the development programs and the adoption of new regulatory acts for 2012-2016 were analyzed. We have determined the relevance of the subject matter under study, the priority of tasks in the field of social support for disabled people. We identified the categories of key problems in the employment of disabled people in Russia. We have studied the problems that are actively being addressed and the problems that require additional resources, detailed study and active state support. We showed statistical and analytical data that clearly demonstrate the key features of the question posed.

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