Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the issues of economic forecasting. In conditions of increasing uncertainty of socio-economic processes in the country - forecasting is relevant, and special attention should be given to the socio-economic systems, where the system structure is a set of elements, connections and relationships between these elements that determine the internal structure and organization of the facility as a whole system. The properties of the socio-economic system in the framework of the state regulation and also identified that forecasting is closely linked to the management of socio-economic system and are considered to provide effective regulation of its development.

state, social and economic system, properties, functions, prediction, structure, purpose
The article discusses the issues of economic forecasting. In conditions of increasing uncertainty of socio-economic processes in the country - forecasting is relevant, and special attention should be given to the socio-economic systems, where the system structure is a set of elements, connections and relationships between these elements that determine the internal structure and organization of the facility as a whole system. The properties of the socio-economic system in the framework of the state regulation and also identified that forecasting is closely linked to the management of socio-economic system and are considered to provide effective regulation of its development.

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