Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the factors of development of the tourist industry and the accompanying hospitality service, the necessity of development of tourist innovation clusters that will allow creating high-tech jobs. Tourist service will increase the employment of the population through the development of eco-tourism and agro-tourism. As a result of the research, it was found that tourist activities can successfully develop in regions with high-quality recreational areas and with enough food to provide tourist flow. The development of tourism in the Don region has great reserves, which can be realized through the creation of tourist clusters in recreational areas. Vineyards and historical sites with folklore and ethnographic traditions have a perspective. The development of this sector of the economy allows creating new jobs and increasing revenues to the budget from tourism and services.

economy, analysis, competition, tourism, hospitality service, cluster
The article considers the factors of development of the tourist industry and the accompanying hospitality service, the necessity of development of tourist innovation clusters that will allow creating high-tech jobs. Tourist service will increase the employment of the population through the development of eco-tourism and agro-tourism. As a result of the research, it was found that tourist activities can successfully develop in regions with high-quality recreational areas and with enough food to provide tourist flow. The development of tourism in the Don region has great reserves, which can be realized through the creation of tourist clusters in recreational areas. Vineyards and historical sites with folklore and ethnographic traditions have a perspective. The development of this sector of the economy allows creating new jobs and increasing revenues to the budget from tourism and services.

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