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Abstract (English):
The main area of work is use of portfolio approach to the choice of a trade platform of sale of oil, and also risk minimization of change of profitability from a sales price of products of primary oil processing. The greatest impact on profit of the entity is exerted by the risks connected with the change in price for oil products. For minimization of this risk portfolio approach to sale of products of primary oil processing was considered. For this reason in the conditions of continuous changes use of portfolio approach to minimization of level of risks which are connected with a sales price gives the chance to sell the made products so that losses from trade on various platforms were minimum, and also gives the chance to restructure a product portfolio according to the conditions dictated in the foreign market of the prices. For an assessment of level of risks of the entity the analysis of sensitivity of profit to change of key factors of risk was used. Also the scenario analysis was carried out and on its basis the probability of approach of each risk is calculated and the assessment of its influence on a key indicator profit is carried out. The received results are almost significant for the entities of oil processing as allow to consider oil trade in the world market not as implementation of separate goods and as forming of portfolios of an asset sale which have the minimum level of risk and the maximum profitability in the analyzed timepoint. Besides, on the basis of the built portfolios the portfolio of a product line for profitability maximization is restructured.

risk, the portfolio analysis, risks in an oil processing industry
The main area of work is use of portfolio approach to the choice of a trade platform of sale of oil, and also risk minimization of change of profitability from a sales price of products of primary oil processing. The greatest impact on profit of the entity is exerted by the risks connected with the change in price for oil products. For minimization of this risk portfolio approach to sale of products of primary oil processing was considered. For this reason in the conditions of continuous changes use of portfolio approach to minimization of level of risks which are connected with a sales price gives the chance to sell the made products so that losses from trade on various platforms were minimum, and also gives the chance to restructure a product portfolio according to the conditions dictated in the foreign market of the prices. For an assessment of level of risks of the entity the analysis of sensitivity of profit to change of key factors of risk was used. Also the scenario analysis was carried out and on its basis the probability of approach of each risk is calculated and the assessment of its influence on a key indicator profit is carried out. The received results are almost significant for the entities of oil processing as allow to consider oil trade in the world market not as implementation of separate goods and as forming of portfolios of an asset sale which have the minimum level of risk and the maximum profitability in the analyzed timepoint. Besides, on the basis of the built portfolios the portfolio of a product line for profitability maximization is restructured.

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