Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Research conducted on ordinary chernozem have shown that in the best experimental treatment (N100P80K60 and seeds coating with zinc) maize plants were sufficiently provided with macro- and micronutrients to produce high and quality yield. The use of mineral fertilizers increased both the content of macro- and micronutrients in maize grain. At the same time the exceeding of hygienic standards for quality and safety of grain wasn't observed. Thus, a rational use of mineral fertilizers allows to obtain an ecologically safe production.

mineral nutrition, fertility of chernozems, elemental composition of maize, fertilizer application system, heavy metals
Research conducted on ordinary chernozem have shown that in the best experimental treatment (N100P80K60 and seeds coating with zinc) maize plants were sufficiently provided with macro- and micronutrients to produce high and quality yield. The use of mineral fertilizers increased both the content of macro- and micronutrients in maize grain. At the same time the exceeding of hygienic standards for quality and safety of grain wasn't observed. Thus, a rational use of mineral fertilizers allows to obtain an ecologically safe production.

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