Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The consumer market is one of the largest and most profitable markets in Russia, therefore, its imbalance leads to the inability of the optimal use of labor, innovation and creativity of the workforce, causing macroeconomic instability and social tensions. That is why the problem of state regulation and stabilization of this market is a key issue, which closes many others. In the article on the example of the Sverdlovsk region examined the structure and regional characteristics of the consumer market, summarizes and provides insights about the actual problems and directions of development of interaction of consumers and producers, as well as measures of state regulation of this sector.

Sverdlovsk region, demand and supply, consumer market, government regulation, consumer, producer
The consumer market is one of the largest and most profitable markets in Russia, therefore, its imbalance leads to the inability of the optimal use of labor, innovation and creativity of the workforce, causing macroeconomic instability and social tensions. That is why the problem of state regulation and stabilization of this market is a key issue, which closes many others. In the article on the example of the Sverdlovsk region examined the structure and regional characteristics of the consumer market, summarizes and provides insights about the actual problems and directions of development of interaction of consumers and producers, as well as measures of state regulation of this sector.

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