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Abstract (English):
In 2017 in Russia declared the year of ecology. However, today in our country there are a number of problems which prevent to promote environmental technologies, to develop effective approaches to environmental management, to control pollution, the OS, etc. the Most urgent problem today is the lack of a unified legislative base for development of natural resources and effective use of territories. Unfortunately, most of the laws that have any relationship to this issue affect only the individual side of it. To implement effective policies for the development of «green economy», the protection of the OS and the implementation of effective environmental management is necessary to develop high-quality regulatory framework that would be able to close all open issues. In this article discusses modern principles of legal regulation of environmental issues and environmental management.

the «green economy», environmental management, legal framework, environmental security, organization of environmental management
In 2017 in Russia declared the year of ecology. However, today in our country there are a number of problems which prevent to promote environmental technologies, to develop effective approaches to environmental management, to control pollution, the OS, etc. the Most urgent problem today is the lack of a unified legislative base for development of natural resources and effective use of territories. Unfortunately, most of the laws that have any relationship to this issue affect only the individual side of it. To implement effective policies for the development of «green economy», the protection of the OS and the implementation of effective environmental management is necessary to develop high-quality regulatory framework that would be able to close all open issues. In this article discusses modern principles of legal regulation of environmental issues and environmental management.

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