Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Factors which define the size of plant-growing production at agricultural enterprises in the Komi Republic Agricultural Sector are considered in this article. The tendencies of acreage variation, yield and cropage according to cultivation types got by using extensive and intensive farming system were determined. High-value crops and their share in the republican consumption balance were given. The share of produced feed in the plant-growing sector, in general structure, and consumed feed in animal breeding at the agricultural enterprises is being clarifying. The research results can be used when developing sectoral economic plans in Agricultural Sector.

the Komi Republic, acreage variation, yield and cropage, extensive and intensive farming system, the size of production, merchantability rate, high-value crops
Factors which define the size of plant-growing production at agricultural enterprises in the Komi Republic Agricultural Sector are considered in this article. The tendencies of acreage variation, yield and cropage according to cultivation types got by using extensive and intensive farming system were determined. High-value crops and their share in the republican consumption balance were given. The share of produced feed in the plant-growing sector, in general structure, and consumed feed in animal breeding at the agricultural enterprises is being clarifying. The research results can be used when developing sectoral economic plans in Agricultural Sector.

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