Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In modern conditions, the level of development of information products and services plays an increasingly important role in all spheres of activity. The emergence and improvement of achievements in this area is associated with scientific and technological progress. The constant increase in the intensity of information flows and the volume of information processed requires continuous updating of knowledge and professional development of specialists. For this, in particular, it is necessary to improve and form a culture of innovation.

information technologies, innovations, culture of innovations, management, system
In modern conditions, the level of development of information products and services plays an increasingly important role in all spheres of activity. The emergence and improvement of achievements in this area is associated with scientific and technological progress. The constant increase in the intensity of information flows and the volume of information processed requires continuous updating of knowledge and professional development of specialists. For this, in particular, it is necessary to improve and form a culture of innovation.

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2. Anisimov Yu.P. Menedzhment innovaciy: Uchebnoe posobie / Yu.P. Anisimov, V.P. Bychkov, I.V. Kuksova. M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2015. 147 s.

3. Gagarina L.G. Informacionnye tehnologii: Uchebnoe posobie / L.G. Gagarina, Ya.O. Teplova, E.L. Rumyanceva i dr.; Pod red. L.G. Gagarinoy. M.: ID FORUM: NIC INFRA-M, 2015. 320 s.

4. Ermakova A.N., Bogdanova S.V. Informacionnye tehnologii [Elektronnyy resurs]: uchebnoe posobie / S.V. Bogdanova, A.N. Ermakova. Stavropol': Servisshkola, 2014. 211 s.

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6. Informacionnye tehnologii: Uchebnoe posobie / E.L. Rumyanceva, V.V. Slyusar'; Pod red. L.G. Gagarinoy. M.: ID FORUM: NIC Infra-M, 2013. 256 s.

7. Ushkin S.G. Rutinizaciya informacionnyh tehnologiy kak faktor formirovaniya kul'tury innovacionnogo myshleniya [Elektronnyy resurs] / S.G. Ushkin. Elektron. zhurn. Monitoring obschestvennogo mneniya, 2014. Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyy. Elektron. versiya pech. publikacii.

8. Fedotova E.L. Informacionnye tehnologii v professional'noy deyatel'nosti: Uchebnoe posobie / E.L. Fedotova. M.: ID FORUM: NIC INFRA-M, 2015. 368 s.

9. Chernikov B.V. Informacionnye tehnologii upravleniya: Uchebnik / B.V. Chernikov. 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. M.: ID FORUM: NIC INFRA-M, 2014. 368 s.

10. Chto takoe innovacii? Primery, vidy innovaciy [Elektronnyy resurs] /. Elektron. zhurn. novosti i obschestvo, 2016. Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyy. Elektron. versiya pech. publikacii.

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