Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article considers the rules concerning the accounting and tax reporting information on net profits of agricultural organizations, as detailed specialized form number 6-APK and a comparative assessment of the profit taxation tax on profit of organizations and the uniform agricultural tax. In modern conditions the role of accounting not only in the management of enterprises, industries and the national economy as a whole, but also in the development of partnerships between producers and market structures.

agriculture organization, profit, financial statements, tax returns, income tax, unified agricultural tax
The article considers the rules concerning the accounting and tax reporting information on net profits of agricultural organizations, as detailed specialized form number 6-APK and a comparative assessment of the profit taxation tax on profit of organizations and the uniform agricultural tax. In modern conditions the role of accounting not only in the management of enterprises, industries and the national economy as a whole, but also in the development of partnerships between producers and market structures.

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