Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Currently, the simulation is very popular, and it affects absolutely all spheres of activity. It can be used to simulate any situation and see how the system will react to those or other changes, it is possible to make forecasts, to predict behavior, and more. The model will accurately match the real system. The article describes the situation determine the effectiveness of the enterprise. Experiments to increase the distribution and promotion of employees, the findings in this situation, the suggested strategy of further development. Model building occurred in the environment of AnyLogic.

anylogic, simulation, experiments, model, system, anylogic
Currently, the simulation is very popular, and it affects absolutely all spheres of activity. It can be used to simulate any situation and see how the system will react to those or other changes, it is possible to make forecasts, to predict behavior, and more. The model will accurately match the real system. The article describes the situation determine the effectiveness of the enterprise. Experiments to increase the distribution and promotion of employees, the findings in this situation, the suggested strategy of further development. Model building occurred in the environment of AnyLogic.

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