Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article discusses issues related to managerial processes within the regions, taking into account the marketing component. In the course of implementing the strategies of the regions, the marketing of the territory faces a lot of contradictions that need to be resolved. The article is devoted to the problem of the rapid expansion of the core of the planned agglomeration with active development of sites that are of little use for urban development and urban interlocking with the nearest settlements. In the course of the study, variants of resolving contradictions in the plane of the formation of the natural and ecological framework are proposed, taking into account the interests of the development of the territory.

marketing of territories, subjects of territories, agglomeration, natural and ecological framework, management decisions, priority
This article discusses issues related to managerial processes within the regions, taking into account the marketing component. In the course of implementing the strategies of the regions, the marketing of the territory faces a lot of contradictions that need to be resolved. The article is devoted to the problem of the rapid expansion of the core of the planned agglomeration with active development of sites that are of little use for urban development and urban interlocking with the nearest settlements. In the course of the study, variants of resolving contradictions in the plane of the formation of the natural and ecological framework are proposed, taking into account the interests of the development of the territory.

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