Russian Federation
In this article author attempts to comprehend all complex of problems posed by robotization phenomena and threat of technological unemployment through interdisciplinary approach. Within the comparative method, modern phenomena are compared with similar processes since industrial revolution, particularly with the luddism. Based on statistic data, author predicts positive and negative consequences of total robotization and offers possible ways to alleviate acute socio-economic problems, which are linked with emerging technological unemployment in new millenium.
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8. Kevin Delaney. Why Bill Gates would tax robots? // Quartz [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
9. Noah Smith. What's Wrong With Bill Gates' Robot Tax // Bloomberg View [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa:
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13. Toynbi A.Dzh. Postizhenie istorii: Sbornik / Per. s angl. E.D. Zharkova. 2-e izd. M.: Ayris-press, 2002. 640 s.