Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper examines the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of information science and education resources in the Internet space in conditions of transition to a digital economy and innovative development that require integration, openness, accessibility for a wide range of users of information resources within the single information Internet space of scientific and educational resources. The presented methodology is developed on the basis of the analysis of the state and volumes of information resources based on monitoring results of websites of agricultural higher educational institutions. There is given a mathematical description of the methodology, which takes into account both the requirements for the information content of educational institutions sites by the Ministry of Education and Science, Rosoboradzor, and their relevance to the economy, the influence on the quality of training of qualified specialists and scientists in educational institutions, the evaluation of sites by the methods of webometrics, Reflecting the image and reputation of higher education institutions, as well as the current trends in providing them with information services on the Internet space in the form of electronic Labor exchanges and trading platforms. Approbation of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of information scientific and educational resources by agricultural higher educational institutions was carried out; Estimates of the effectiveness of their use have been calculated, both private and integrated ratings of agrarian higher educational establishments have been calculated on the basis of the developed methodology, the feasibility of forming a unified information Internet space for scientific and educational resources (EIIPNOR) has been given. EIIPNOR should be one of the global organizational and technological Internet platforms at the federal and sectoral levels included in the Digital Economy program.

scientific and educational resources, methods for assessing effectiveness, integration of information resources, information Internet space, agricultural universities, university ratings
The paper examines the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of information science and education resources in the Internet space in conditions of transition to a digital economy and innovative development that require integration, openness, accessibility for a wide range of users of information resources within the single information Internet space of scientific and educational resources. The presented methodology is developed on the basis of the analysis of the state and volumes of information resources based on monitoring results of websites of agricultural higher educational institutions. There is given a mathematical description of the methodology, which takes into account both the requirements for the information content of educational institutions sites by the Ministry of Education and Science, Rosoboradzor, and their relevance to the economy, the influence on the quality of training of qualified specialists and scientists in educational institutions, the evaluation of sites by the methods of webometrics, Reflecting the image and reputation of higher education institutions, as well as the current trends in providing them with information services on the Internet space in the form of electronic Labor exchanges and trading platforms. Approbation of the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of the use of information scientific and educational resources by agricultural higher educational institutions was carried out; Estimates of the effectiveness of their use have been calculated, both private and integrated ratings of agrarian higher educational establishments have been calculated on the basis of the developed methodology, the feasibility of forming a unified information Internet space for scientific and educational resources (EIIPNOR) has been given. EIIPNOR should be one of the global organizational and technological Internet platforms at the federal and sectoral levels included in the Digital Economy program.

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