Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The research article sets forth the role and significance of the service industry in the present-day public production, the growth of interest towards the service industry in post-industrial society. The paper cites some data regarding the structure and dynamics of the services purchased by the public in Russian, and reviews the place of the sanatorium-and-health-resort sphere in the uniform system of the services sphere. It shows the growing economic significance of the health resort business, that place and that role it plays in the development of social reproduction in proportion to evolution of market relations.

services sector, sanatorium-and-health-resort sphere, sanatorium-and-health-resort complex, services purchased by the public, services of social profile
The research article sets forth the role and significance of the service industry in the present-day public production, the growth of interest towards the service industry in post-industrial society. The paper cites some data regarding the structure and dynamics of the services purchased by the public in Russian, and reviews the place of the sanatorium-and-health-resort sphere in the uniform system of the services sphere. It shows the growing economic significance of the health resort business, that place and that role it plays in the development of social reproduction in proportion to evolution of market relations.

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