Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Food and processing industry is the backbone economy of the country, forming the agricultural market, food and economic security, maintains a leading position in the structure of industrial production in Russia, with a share of 15.4%, and on a par with iron and steel production and the fossil fuel industry is among the leaders in the production of industrial products. This article used materials of the parliamentary hearings held in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

food industry, processing of agricultural products, food security, import substitution
Food and processing industry is the backbone economy of the country, forming the agricultural market, food and economic security, maintains a leading position in the structure of industrial production in Russia, with a share of 15.4%, and on a par with iron and steel production and the fossil fuel industry is among the leaders in the production of industrial products. This article used materials of the parliamentary hearings held in the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

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