Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Because of the critical situation at enterprises, economic instability, it is necessary to find sources or develop a strategy to increase the revenue of the organization. The amount of debt on other debtors can be used as a source for repayment of obligations. One way out of the situation when the enterprise bears losses and there are tendencies to bankruptcy is the disposal of non-core assets. Such a decision will allow freeing up additional funds to finance core business and cut costs. In situations where the company becomes unprofitable, it is necessary to give due attention to marketing research. Try to identify the negative sides and ways to eliminate them. The recommendations described above will attract new customers and increase sales. One of the methods to increase revenue, can also serve to reduce the range, in order to abandon products with lower profitability and less demanded.

profitability, accounts receivable, restructuring, structure, loss, profit
Because of the critical situation at enterprises, economic instability, it is necessary to find sources or develop a strategy to increase the revenue of the organization. The amount of debt on other debtors can be used as a source for repayment of obligations. One way out of the situation when the enterprise bears losses and there are tendencies to bankruptcy is the disposal of non-core assets. Such a decision will allow freeing up additional funds to finance core business and cut costs. In situations where the company becomes unprofitable, it is necessary to give due attention to marketing research. Try to identify the negative sides and ways to eliminate them. The recommendations described above will attract new customers and increase sales. One of the methods to increase revenue, can also serve to reduce the range, in order to abandon products with lower profitability and less demanded.

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