Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the possibility of using mechanisms of cross-cultural marketing in modern conditions of the sectoral sanctions US and EU against the Russian economy and Russian retaliatory embargo. The author examines the implementation of an effective system of cross-cultural marketing as a factor of competitiveness of production of goods and services of economic entities and economy as a whole. The author's scheme of interrelation of competitiveness, cross-cultural marketing and business is presented.

cross-cultural management, cross-cultural marketing, cross-cultural capital, international business, international cross-cultural marketing of business, effective system of cross-cultural marketing, sectoral sanctions, embargo, import substitution
The article examines the possibility of using mechanisms of cross-cultural marketing in modern conditions of the sectoral sanctions US and EU against the Russian economy and Russian retaliatory embargo. The author examines the implementation of an effective system of cross-cultural marketing as a factor of competitiveness of production of goods and services of economic entities and economy as a whole. The author's scheme of interrelation of competitiveness, cross-cultural marketing and business is presented.

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2. Azhluni A.M., Mitin D.V. Krosskul'turnyy marketing kak faktor razvitiya promyshlennogo biznesa v usloviyah sektoral'nyh sankciy // Region: sistemy, ekonomika, upravlenie. 2016. № 1 (32). S. 150-153.

3. Mitin D.V. Krosskul'turnyy haytek-marketing kak faktor razvitiya innovacionnoy deyatel'nosti promyshlennyh predpriyatiy v sovremennyh usloviyah // FES: Finansy. Ekonomika. Strategiya. № 6. 2016. S. 24-26.

4. Azhluni A.M., Mitin D.V. Povyshenie effektivnosti deyatel'nosti predpriyatiy na osnove effektivnoy sistemy krosskul'turnogo menedzhmenta i marketinga. Monografiya. Orel: Aplit, 2016. 154 s.

5. Mitin D.V. Krosskul'turnoe upravlenie kak faktor razvitiya biznesa v sovremennyh usloviyah // Region: sistemy, ekonomika, upravlenie. 2015. № 3 (30). S. 154-157.

6. Mitin D.V. Mesto krosskul'turnogo upravleniya v sovremennoy sisteme menedzhmenta organizacii // Otechestvennaya nauka v epohu izmeneniy: postulaty proshlogo i teorii novogo vremeni. № 7 (12). 2015. S. 112-113.

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