Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to investigation of efficiency of use of material assets regional socio-economic subsystems on the example of Republic of Bashkortostan. The results of the analysis reflect the dynamics of tangible assets at the regional and state levels. Highlights the key trends and their impact on the assets of the region as a whole. The results of the analysis can be used for the development of an effective evaluation mechanism for the rational use of regional assets that will reduce operating costs, ensure labour productivity growth, profitability of the regional economic complex in General and sustainable development of the region.

the assets of the region, physical assets, socio-economic subsystem, the yield, the degree of wear of Basic production assets
This article is devoted to investigation of efficiency of use of material assets regional socio-economic subsystems on the example of Republic of Bashkortostan. The results of the analysis reflect the dynamics of tangible assets at the regional and state levels. Highlights the key trends and their impact on the assets of the region as a whole. The results of the analysis can be used for the development of an effective evaluation mechanism for the rational use of regional assets that will reduce operating costs, ensure labour productivity growth, profitability of the regional economic complex in General and sustainable development of the region.

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