Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes in details the issues of Russian domestic and inbound tourism. This paper also investigates a number of factors, which constrain the growth of domestic tourism. The authors argue that the social and economic problems affect the development of domestic and inbound tourism in Russia. Some possible solutions of the current problems in the industry are presented in the paper. The analysis of this article is based on the results of an expert survey. In order to identify the key issues in the field of tourism and measures for overcoming them, the Expert-Analytical Centre of the RANEPA initiated the poll. Moreover, this paper scrutinizes the results from the year 2015 of the Federal policy paper «Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation», which allowed to evaluate the efficiency of the implementation of the program. In the conclusion the authors propose the possible solutions and methods, which could help to achieve the future development of the Russian tourism in the next several years.

domestic tourism, inbound tourism, Federal target programs, Federal Agency for tourism
The article analyzes in details the issues of Russian domestic and inbound tourism. This paper also investigates a number of factors, which constrain the growth of domestic tourism. The authors argue that the social and economic problems affect the development of domestic and inbound tourism in Russia. Some possible solutions of the current problems in the industry are presented in the paper. The analysis of this article is based on the results of an expert survey. In order to identify the key issues in the field of tourism and measures for overcoming them, the Expert-Analytical Centre of the RANEPA initiated the poll. Moreover, this paper scrutinizes the results from the year 2015 of the Federal policy paper «Development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation», which allowed to evaluate the efficiency of the implementation of the program. In the conclusion the authors propose the possible solutions and methods, which could help to achieve the future development of the Russian tourism in the next several years.

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