Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Considered are the indexing processes of documents on agricultural economics using information retrieval languages in a scientific library as exemplified by the CSAL: the Information Retrieval Thesaurus and the Branch Rubricator of Agriculture and Food. Described are the main stages of analyzing a document and building a search image of document. Shown is the role of indexing in providing the search relevance in automated information systems.

agriculture, economics, information processing, indexing, information-retrieval image of document, information-retrieval languages, information-retrieval thesaurus, databases, automated systems, CSAL
Considered are the indexing processes of documents on agricultural economics using information retrieval languages in a scientific library as exemplified by the CSAL: the Information Retrieval Thesaurus and the Branch Rubricator of Agriculture and Food. Described are the main stages of analyzing a document and building a search image of document. Shown is the role of indexing in providing the search relevance in automated information systems.

1. L.N. Pirumova, L.T. Harchenko Tezaurus po sel'skomu hozyaystvu i prodovol'stviyu: indeksirovanie dokumentov i poisk informacii v BD AGROS. (Metodicheskie materialy). Moskva, 2001, 70 s.

2. Indeksirovanie dokumentov bazy dannyh CNSHB. Metodicheskie ukazaniya // Sostav. L.N. Pirumova, L.T. Harchenko. Moskva, 1995. 35 s.

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