Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The development of an economy based on the export of natural raw materials has a number of characteristics. Modern research shows that a long-term dominance in the sectoral structure of the economy of export-extracting industries leads to technological lagging and social degradation of the regions. The article examines the problem of the dependence of the Russian economy on the export of raw materials, as well as an assessment of the current state of its innovative sector.

raw material dependence, innovations, GDP, state policy, venture industry
The development of an economy based on the export of natural raw materials has a number of characteristics. Modern research shows that a long-term dominance in the sectoral structure of the economy of export-extracting industries leads to technological lagging and social degradation of the regions. The article examines the problem of the dependence of the Russian economy on the export of raw materials, as well as an assessment of the current state of its innovative sector.

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