Russian Federation
Within ten years, the experience of fruitful cooperation of government agencies, scientific institutions and bodies of farm government, unfortunately, is not developed, ignored, forgotten. There was a confrontation of former allies. As a result, began to defeat the forces of "braking". Only in the second half of the "zero" decade, a new example or the fact that trilateral cooperation in the process of developing the Priority national project "Development of agriculture". Significant results were realized at the date of the program of the Ministry of agriculture: "beginning farmers, family livestock farms on the basis of KFH" and "Development of agricultural consumer cooperation". Two of them are recognized as successful, and the third is just starting to gain momentum.
AKKOR, farming, agricultural consumer cooperatives
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2. Posledstviya prisoedineniya k VTO dlya sel'skogo hozyaystva Rossii, Rubanov I.N., Fomin A.A. Hleboprodukty. 2014. № 6. S. 4-7.
3. Ocenka vliyaniya vstupleniya Rossii v VTO na sostoyanie agrarnogo kompleksa, Fomin A.A. Hleboprodukty. 2013. № 6. S. 4-7.
4. Dostatochna li gosudarstvennaya podderzhka APK, Fomin A.A. Kombikorma. 2010. № 5. S. 4-5.