Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The national Union of surveyors and the working group on land policy of the scientific expert Council under the agricultural Committee of the State Duma proposed a number of measures to improve land policy in the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of current land policies enshrined in the land legislation, and practices for its implementation provides the following main directions of development of the Concept of improving the state land policy in Russia (agricultural land).

land management, land policy, agricultural land, land users, farmers
The national Union of surveyors and the working group on land policy of the scientific expert Council under the agricultural Committee of the State Duma proposed a number of measures to improve land policy in the Russian Federation. Based on the analysis of current land policies enshrined in the land legislation, and practices for its implementation provides the following main directions of development of the Concept of improving the state land policy in Russia (agricultural land).

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