Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the possibility of solving the problem of sustainable development of territories through ecotourism development. Examines the UN document «Agenda for sustainable development» (2015), its role in providing security and favorable conditions of human life, the limitation of the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment, protection and rational use of natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations. The focus is that tourism as an important sector involved in three of the seventeen categories of the target document. Discusses the conditions of various types of tourism, mainly ecological, as an alternative of sustainable development of the region, its great potential in Russia. It is proposed to limit recreational pressure on the territory and recommended appropriate mode the use of natural resources with the use of domestic and foreign experience. Examines a number of issues, which may have to face the Russian market of ecological tourism, participation of state agencies in its regulation in the future. Recommendations.

Keywords:, sustainable development of the region, environmental, rural tourism, ecotourism, agro-tourism, The World Tourism Organization, recreational activity, small and medium enterprises,
The article discusses the possibility of solving the problem of sustainable development of territories through ecotourism development. Examines the UN document «Agenda for sustainable development» (2015), its role in providing security and favorable conditions of human life, the limitation of the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment, protection and rational use of natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations. The focus is that tourism as an important sector involved in three of the seventeen categories of the target document. Discusses the conditions of various types of tourism, mainly ecological, as an alternative of sustainable development of the region, its great potential in Russia. It is proposed to limit recreational pressure on the territory and recommended appropriate mode the use of natural resources with the use of domestic and foreign experience. Examines a number of issues, which may have to face the Russian market of ecological tourism, participation of state agencies in its regulation in the future. Recommendations.

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