Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In one of the previous issues of «The Moscow economic magazine» use of model J. von Thünen on the example of existing the regional systems of resettlement [5]. The work which is carried out by Thünen on the basis of studying of the estate in Germany has laid the foundation of the separate direction of regional researches - the spatial analysis. After Thünen in the developed system of resettlement other not less significant economist of that time Wilhelm Launhardt has continued to study questions of finding of optimum placement. Evident and most available submission of the theory of placement of an industrial standard of W. Launhardt became the purpose of this work. By way of illustration and reflections of important interrelations which for the first time have been mathematically formalized by the German economist in the text the model of a large metallurgical complex operating now in Russia is schematically represented.

regional economy, theory of an industrial standard, locational triangle, theory of optimum placement of the industry, land rent, earth cost, Cherepovets Steel Mill
In one of the previous issues of «The Moscow economic magazine» use of model J. von Thünen on the example of existing the regional systems of resettlement [5]. The work which is carried out by Thünen on the basis of studying of the estate in Germany has laid the foundation of the separate direction of regional researches - the spatial analysis. After Thünen in the developed system of resettlement other not less significant economist of that time Wilhelm Launhardt has continued to study questions of finding of optimum placement. Evident and most available submission of the theory of placement of an industrial standard of W. Launhardt became the purpose of this work. By way of illustration and reflections of important interrelations which for the first time have been mathematically formalized by the German economist in the text the model of a large metallurgical complex operating now in Russia is schematically represented.

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