Russian Federation
The subject of this study are two interrelated phenomena that have clearly manifested in developed countries in recent years - the stagnant poverty of the working population and the growth of cross-border migration. Qualitative changes in the population structure due to the unevenness of the transition of different regions of the world to a new reproductive strategy are considered. It is shown that not "certain disadvantages" of immigration and social policy, but this global demographic transition is the primary reason for the growth of the scale of transboundary migration: the further economic development of the countries of the industrial core of the EU and the US is hampered by population aging, depopulation and labor shortage. The main tendencies of development of stagnant poverty of the precarious are considered. It is shown that the result of the inability of many developed countries to integrate non-cultural migrants into their society is not only the threat of their loss of the ethno-cultural and confessional identity of society, but also a significant increase in the number of precarious. It has been established that the formation of a social anomie of precarious in developed countries is a result not so much of the insufficiency of the size of state social transfers, but of the lack of individuals' access to "social elevators" due to the lack of opportunities and skills of social interaction. An analysis of the socioeconomic consequences of the growth of the pre-carat and the extent of transboundary migration in developed countries enables us to avoid mistakes in the social policies of the developed countries.
stagnant poverty of the working population, precarious, global demographic transition, cross-border migration, inocultural migrants
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