Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The economy begins with the analysis of the mechanism of supply and demand. The model of market balance shows that demand for goods falls at increase in the price, and the offer of goods grows at increase in the price. Crossing of inverse functions of supply and demand gives a point of balance of supply and demand. But this model doesn't consider influence of space, that is the market is a point. Having begun consideration of economic model with the ideal plain of J. von Thünen [11], the author gradually expands the research through W. Launhardt and A. Weber [10] works, creating backbone scientific communication between regional economy and geopolitics, defining it through H.J. Makkinder's works [8]. Modern city agglomerations are beneficiaries of socioeconomic capacity of the used territory, including due to reduction of quantity and volume of expenses from spatial concentration of production and other infrastructure. For this reason important not only to investigate the reasons of development of modern agglomerative educations in Russia and in the world, but also to know the first concepts opening the fundamental reasons of modern development of the cities.

regional economy, theory of optimum placement of the industry, land rent, earth cost, agglomeration, urbanization, resettlement, demography
The economy begins with the analysis of the mechanism of supply and demand. The model of market balance shows that demand for goods falls at increase in the price, and the offer of goods grows at increase in the price. Crossing of inverse functions of supply and demand gives a point of balance of supply and demand. But this model doesn't consider influence of space, that is the market is a point. Having begun consideration of economic model with the ideal plain of J. von Thünen [11], the author gradually expands the research through W. Launhardt and A. Weber [10] works, creating backbone scientific communication between regional economy and geopolitics, defining it through H.J. Makkinder's works [8]. Modern city agglomerations are beneficiaries of socioeconomic capacity of the used territory, including due to reduction of quantity and volume of expenses from spatial concentration of production and other infrastructure. For this reason important not only to investigate the reasons of development of modern agglomerative educations in Russia and in the world, but also to know the first concepts opening the fundamental reasons of modern development of the cities.

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