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Abstract (English):
A necessary condition for food security is the rational use of land suitable for agriculture. The regulation of these issues is the sphere of land legislation. This legal industry is rapidly developing the entire post-Soviet period. The author has allocated periods of development of this legislation and gave a brief description of these periods. However, regulations aimed at ensuring rational use of land and its protection is not enough. And even those that were adopted in the 90-ies, were canceling. This was evident, for example in relation to laws on ensuring of land fertility, land reclamation and land use planning. For legal support of agrarian policy its goals and objectives needs legislate. The author also offers to amend the existing food security Doctrine of the Russian Federation and attributed the non-use of agricultural land and construction of residential and industrial facilities to risks and threats of food safety.

land laws, agro-industrial complex, food security, land protection, land use planning, withdrawal land plots
A necessary condition for food security is the rational use of land suitable for agriculture. The regulation of these issues is the sphere of land legislation. This legal industry is rapidly developing the entire post-Soviet period. The author has allocated periods of development of this legislation and gave a brief description of these periods. However, regulations aimed at ensuring rational use of land and its protection is not enough. And even those that were adopted in the 90-ies, were canceling. This was evident, for example in relation to laws on ensuring of land fertility, land reclamation and land use planning. For legal support of agrarian policy its goals and objectives needs legislate. The author also offers to amend the existing food security Doctrine of the Russian Federation and attributed the non-use of agricultural land and construction of residential and industrial facilities to risks and threats of food safety.

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