Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper formulates the basic theoretical and methodological provisions, revealing the necessity and nature of economic regulation of Agricultural Land Consolidation in order to increase their productivity by improving the functioning of the economic mechanism in agriculture. It describes and analyses modern trends of development of Agricultural Land Consolidation featured in the appearance of agricultural holding corporations and increase in the size of private farms. In the paper developed proposal to improve the functioning of the economic mechanism to stimulate the Agricultural Land Consolidation process.

agricultural land consolidation, agricultural land market, agricultural land consolidation stages, agricultural land consolidation models, economic mechanism in agriculture, economic regulation of agricultural production, modern trends of agricultural land consolidation development, Orel region, Russian Federation
The paper formulates the basic theoretical and methodological provisions, revealing the necessity and nature of economic regulation of Agricultural Land Consolidation in order to increase their productivity by improving the functioning of the economic mechanism in agriculture. It describes and analyses modern trends of development of Agricultural Land Consolidation featured in the appearance of agricultural holding corporations and increase in the size of private farms. In the paper developed proposal to improve the functioning of the economic mechanism to stimulate the Agricultural Land Consolidation process.

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11. Sagaydak Alexander, Sagaydak Anna New trends in development of Land Consolidation in Russia / Land and Poverty Conference, March, 20-14, World Bank, Washington DC, USA, 2017.

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