Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents data on the balance of exports and imports of goods from Russia and other countries. Comparison of the indicators for the Russian Federation and other countries, for example, such as China, Germany and the USA, is conducted. Despite the decline in the indicator in 2015, Russia's exports still far exceed imports. In addition, the commodity structure of Russia's exports and imports is considered. Also given are data on exports and imports of agricultural products according to the latest data (the 1st quarter of 2017). The conclusion is made that many imported goods are produced in our country, moreover, the specific weight of their production is quite high in the households of the population (especially crop production). The development of consumer cooperatives can significantly help in selling surplus products of personal subsidiary farms, but on the basis of the data in Table 7, it can be seen that the sale of LPC crop production through the consumer cooperative system is declining.

export, import, commodity structure, development of consumer cooperation
The article presents data on the balance of exports and imports of goods from Russia and other countries. Comparison of the indicators for the Russian Federation and other countries, for example, such as China, Germany and the USA, is conducted. Despite the decline in the indicator in 2015, Russia's exports still far exceed imports. In addition, the commodity structure of Russia's exports and imports is considered. Also given are data on exports and imports of agricultural products according to the latest data (the 1st quarter of 2017). The conclusion is made that many imported goods are produced in our country, moreover, the specific weight of their production is quite high in the households of the population (especially crop production). The development of consumer cooperatives can significantly help in selling surplus products of personal subsidiary farms, but on the basis of the data in Table 7, it can be seen that the sale of LPC crop production through the consumer cooperative system is declining.

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