Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Implementation of priorities of personnel policy in the context of new industrial model of the aviation industry of the Russian Federation requires revising of approach to structure and contents of educational programs of the Corporate university of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). Use of structural approach selects as the main subjects to investment educational units within four basic programs of the Corporate university directed to professional orientation operation with youth, training at production sites, increase in professional and administrative qualification development of corporate culture and a personnel pool. Educational unit of the Corporate university represents the educational program selected on profiles and forms of education - distant electronic, internal, the mixed. On duration of training short-term, medium-term and long-term programs are selected.We read that change of an index of security of educational units with objects of educational infrastructure, the learning equipment, the computer equipment and the software and also achievement of the advancing professional growth of teachers and employees can become the main result of capital investments. As criterion of efficiency the index maximizing value of the gain of resource security of educational programs falling on unit of additional capital investments can be accepted. It allows to make the detailed assessment of efficiency of investments as on all set of the directions of capital investments, and the integrated assessment for the purposes of the vertical and horizontal analysis on profiles of programs, forms and the territories of training. Thus, the system of indices includes set of private criteria for evaluation of efficiency of the investments in the directions of investment representing the relation of a gain of resource security to the amount of additional capital investments and also the integral criterion allowing to estimate efficiency of investments into the strategic development of the University corresponding to personnel policy of UAC.
educational programs, Corporate University, industrial model, aviation, investment efficiency criteria, UAC, human resource management
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