Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Inflation is particularly sensitive for people with low or fixed incomes. Most affected retirees, state employees. This is a significant part of our country. The task of reducing inflation is a priority for the domestic economy. Go over the line, which will lead to deflation is even more dangerous is the probability of falling domestic demand and consumption. Russia could fall into a deflationary trap which threatens the long stagnation.

inflation, prices, consumer, rising prices for food, income, shopping network, small business representatives, the program of import substitution, growth of consumer prices
Inflation is particularly sensitive for people with low or fixed incomes. Most affected retirees, state employees. This is a significant part of our country. The task of reducing inflation is a priority for the domestic economy. Go over the line, which will lead to deflation is even more dangerous is the probability of falling domestic demand and consumption. Russia could fall into a deflationary trap which threatens the long stagnation.

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