Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article sums up the environmental assessment of the Osetr River basin, the impact of anthropogenic factors on recreational areas in Zaraisk and Lukhovitsky districts in the Moscow region. At the heart of the writing of the task tasks were based on data obtained during the summer period between June 22 to July 23, 2015 and from June 15 to June 25, 2016 in alignments №№ 1,2 of the village of Spas-Doschatyi in Zaraiskii district and №№ 3, 4 on the basis of Saturn in the Lukhovitsky district, on scientific concepts, the method for assessing the ecological state of recreational zones, quality standards for water bodies of domestic and drinking water and cultural and domestic water use, statistical data, cartographic materials, hydro-hydrochemical survey data and climate which includes information obtained from the results of field work for 2015-2016, as well as in the MOSEKOMONITORING and the Federal Agency for Water Resources. Based on field studies of 2015-2016 on the COD and BOD5 indicators conducted in the lower course of the river, out of the total number of ingredients analyzed, the concentration of harmful contaminants is below the maximum permissible concentration for 7 indicators. The indicators of COD and BOD 5 fluctuate accordingly within the limits of 16.2-25.3 MACs, 1.4-2.5 MACs. On the basis of the criteria and the scale for assessing the compliance of the points under review with respect to the requirements for the improvement of recreation zones, three recreational zones have been identified: the Saturn base in the village of Lukhovitsy, the village of Spas-Doschatyi and the right bank of the Osetr River in the village of Vlasyevo. The most popular place for recreation among those under consideration is Saturn in the Lukhovitsky district. Also, during the research it was established that the Osetr River basin has a diverse composition of the ecological system. The river is of great importance for the inhabitants of the Moscow region, because is a source for recreational, domestic and fishery use.

ecological state, anthropogenic loadings, state standard, requirements, recreation zones, assessment technique, Heracléum
The article sums up the environmental assessment of the Osetr River basin, the impact of anthropogenic factors on recreational areas in Zaraisk and Lukhovitsky districts in the Moscow region. At the heart of the writing of the task tasks were based on data obtained during the summer period between June 22 to July 23, 2015 and from June 15 to June 25, 2016 in alignments №№ 1,2 of the village of Spas-Doschatyi in Zaraiskii district and №№ 3, 4 on the basis of Saturn in the Lukhovitsky district, on scientific concepts, the method for assessing the ecological state of recreational zones, quality standards for water bodies of domestic and drinking water and cultural and domestic water use, statistical data, cartographic materials, hydro-hydrochemical survey data and climate which includes information obtained from the results of field work for 2015-2016, as well as in the MOSEKOMONITORING and the Federal Agency for Water Resources. Based on field studies of 2015-2016 on the COD and BOD5 indicators conducted in the lower course of the river, out of the total number of ingredients analyzed, the concentration of harmful contaminants is below the maximum permissible concentration for 7 indicators. The indicators of COD and BOD 5 fluctuate accordingly within the limits of 16.2-25.3 MACs, 1.4-2.5 MACs. On the basis of the criteria and the scale for assessing the compliance of the points under review with respect to the requirements for the improvement of recreation zones, three recreational zones have been identified: the Saturn base in the village of Lukhovitsy, the village of Spas-Doschatyi and the right bank of the Osetr River in the village of Vlasyevo. The most popular place for recreation among those under consideration is Saturn in the Lukhovitsky district. Also, during the research it was established that the Osetr River basin has a diverse composition of the ecological system. The river is of great importance for the inhabitants of the Moscow region, because is a source for recreational, domestic and fishery use.

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