Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The negative influence of industry and transport on the state of the environment of the urban district of Domodedovo is shown. The analysis of pollution of atmospheric air and environment was made. The distribution and harmfulness of weed plants Heracléum are considered. Intensive impact of the person on the nature, negative, often irreversible consequences of this influence cause need of a deep and multifold case study of interaction of society and the nature. The main task of environmental management as scientific direction - searching and development of paths of optimization of interaction of society with the environment. The modern society even more often applies in the activity data about state of environment. These data are necessary for people for housekeeping, construction, at emergency situations - for the notification about the approaching dangerous natural phenomena. But it is worth noticing that changes in a surrounding medium happen as a result of biospheric processes, first of all, are bound to activity of the person. The quality of a surrounding medium and the analysis of potential opportunities of its main ecological components assume the legible organization of monitoring of system of observations and control of its state. At the same time toxicological aspects of the multifold analysis of a surrounding medium in the conditions of the modern ecological crisis gain the special importance. When developing problems of protection of the environment in the city have to be carried out: • accounting of polluters in the city, the region; • the analysis of the environment promoting accumulation or dispersion of pollution; • development of mathematical models of pollution which can be used in the analysis of current situation and for adoption of town-planning decisions; • division into districts of the territory on extent of pollution of the environment; • development of planning and technological actions for protection of Wednesday. Problem of influence of an urbanization on a surrounding medium, being global and multidimensional, it can be solved only on condition of accounting of its most various aspects at the solution of each specific town-planning objective, including anthropogenic activity in ecological system without violation of the natural mechanism of the biosphere.

environment, pollutants, air pollution, weeds, anthropogenic influence, industrial enterprises, unorganized discharges, Heracleum, okruzhayuschaya sreda, zagryaznyayuschie veschestva, zagryaznenie atmosfernogo vozduha, sornye rasteniya, antropogennoe vliyanie, promyshlennye predpriyatiya, neorganizovannye sbrosy, borschevik
The negative influence of industry and transport on the state of the environment of the urban district of Domodedovo is shown. The analysis of pollution of atmospheric air and environment was made. The distribution and harmfulness of weed plants Heracléum are considered. Intensive impact of the person on the nature, negative, often irreversible consequences of this influence cause need of a deep and multifold case study of interaction of society and the nature. The main task of environmental management as scientific direction - searching and development of paths of optimization of interaction of society with the environment. The modern society even more often applies in the activity data about state of environment. These data are necessary for people for housekeeping, construction, at emergency situations - for the notification about the approaching dangerous natural phenomena. But it is worth noticing that changes in a surrounding medium happen as a result of biospheric processes, first of all, are bound to activity of the person. The quality of a surrounding medium and the analysis of potential opportunities of its main ecological components assume the legible organization of monitoring of system of observations and control of its state. At the same time toxicological aspects of the multifold analysis of a surrounding medium in the conditions of the modern ecological crisis gain the special importance. When developing problems of protection of the environment in the city have to be carried out: • accounting of polluters in the city, the region; • the analysis of the environment promoting accumulation or dispersion of pollution; • development of mathematical models of pollution which can be used in the analysis of current situation and for adoption of town-planning decisions; • division into districts of the territory on extent of pollution of the environment; • development of planning and technological actions for protection of Wednesday. Problem of influence of an urbanization on a surrounding medium, being global and multidimensional, it can be solved only on condition of accounting of its most various aspects at the solution of each specific town-planning objective, including anthropogenic activity in ecological system without violation of the natural mechanism of the biosphere.

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