Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The business activities carried out by oil producing companies significantly damage the environment and result in financial losses that can be prevented through environmental investments. The purpose of the study is to determine the results of behavior strategy selection by oil producing companies with an account of the minimum environmental costs and acts of state. The purpose predetermined the solutions to the following problems: determining environmental pollution payments pay off with increased standard emission charges for РАО Tatneft; an assessment of the volume of the РАО Tatneft’s environmental pollution payments with an account of the environment protection measures taken; estimate of probability of strategy selection by agents. The assigned tasks are implemented through comparison, analysis and synthesis, as well as by using the theory of cooperative games.

environmental investments, harmful emissions, environment, oil production, linear programming
The business activities carried out by oil producing companies significantly damage the environment and result in financial losses that can be prevented through environmental investments. The purpose of the study is to determine the results of behavior strategy selection by oil producing companies with an account of the minimum environmental costs and acts of state. The purpose predetermined the solutions to the following problems: determining environmental pollution payments pay off with increased standard emission charges for РАО Tatneft; an assessment of the volume of the РАО Tatneft’s environmental pollution payments with an account of the environment protection measures taken; estimate of probability of strategy selection by agents. The assigned tasks are implemented through comparison, analysis and synthesis, as well as by using the theory of cooperative games.

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