Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
One of the most important directions for the development of any state is to ensure the growth of its economy. At the same time, the importance focuses on qualitative rather than quantitative indicators of economic growth. In modern conditions, the quality can be ensured mainly through the introduction of innovations that can increase labour productivity on a new technological base. This article attempts to establish the effect of the sanctions imposed by Western countries against our State after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia. Of all types of sanctions (personal, economic and technological), the article focuses considerable attention on technological sanctions.

economic growth, gross domestic product (GDP), personal sanctions, economic sanctions, technological sanctions, investments, innovations, labour productivity, real income of population
One of the most important directions for the development of any state is to ensure the growth of its economy. At the same time, the importance focuses on qualitative rather than quantitative indicators of economic growth. In modern conditions, the quality can be ensured mainly through the introduction of innovations that can increase labour productivity on a new technological base. This article attempts to establish the effect of the sanctions imposed by Western countries against our State after the reunification of the Crimea with Russia. Of all types of sanctions (personal, economic and technological), the article focuses considerable attention on technological sanctions.

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