Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main purpose of this research article is to present possibilities of saving expenses for energy supply which is required during the production process to the wide range of producers of greenhouse agricultural goods. It has been noted that high expenses for electric and heat energy purchase are one of the main deterrents of competitive advantage of domestic agricultural greenhouse factories. The authors suggest a technique for the search of alternative low cost energy sources based on complete recycling of municipal solid waste using the plasma gasification and melting technology. At the same time, integration into a single enterprise of technological processes such as: waste sorting, recycling, electric and heat energy production, secondary raw materials processing, electricity and heat transfer to greenhouse facilities, is provided.

greenhouse facilities, agricultural goods, recycling of municipal solid waste, power supply, electric energy and heat, competitive advantage, secondary raw materials, plasma gasification and melting
The main purpose of this research article is to present possibilities of saving expenses for energy supply which is required during the production process to the wide range of producers of greenhouse agricultural goods. It has been noted that high expenses for electric and heat energy purchase are one of the main deterrents of competitive advantage of domestic agricultural greenhouse factories. The authors suggest a technique for the search of alternative low cost energy sources based on complete recycling of municipal solid waste using the plasma gasification and melting technology. At the same time, integration into a single enterprise of technological processes such as: waste sorting, recycling, electric and heat energy production, secondary raw materials processing, electricity and heat transfer to greenhouse facilities, is provided.

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