Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The proverb “man - is the main economic resource” is a key thought of this article. The authors analyze American, European and Asian experience of governance trying to understand how these regions has scored a success. The main goal of Russia, by the authors, is not to copy Western way of living, but to find its own. This work reflects the tendencies of human development, underlines the methods of the modern Russian administration, and proposes the rational model of sustainable economic growth. The global ideas make sense if grounded on historical analysis - that’s why this work has been divided to three parts, where the first - the study of causes that pushed the monarchical countries to transition to the next step of social development and productive relations; the second - the main directions of human development touching the myths about capitalism, and the last one - research of social and economic development of the Russian Federation and the main reasons why our country still lags behind the others.

management, economics, politics, demography
The proverb “man - is the main economic resource” is a key thought of this article. The authors analyze American, European and Asian experience of governance trying to understand how these regions has scored a success. The main goal of Russia, by the authors, is not to copy Western way of living, but to find its own. This work reflects the tendencies of human development, underlines the methods of the modern Russian administration, and proposes the rational model of sustainable economic growth. The global ideas make sense if grounded on historical analysis - that’s why this work has been divided to three parts, where the first - the study of causes that pushed the monarchical countries to transition to the next step of social development and productive relations; the second - the main directions of human development touching the myths about capitalism, and the last one - research of social and economic development of the Russian Federation and the main reasons why our country still lags behind the others.

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