Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It gives a detailed analysis of current situation on the market of cashless payments. It is presented statistics of its main instruments: bankcards, e-cash, mobile and Internet banking. The author put forward suggestion on mechanisms to stimulate the development of cashless retail payments, conceptual approaches in its strategic development are considered. The author forecast the development of the market of cashless retail payments for the next few years. It is expected that volume of cashless payments will reach 17.5%. by 2020 while such high growth rate of its is going on.

non-cash-payments, banking cards, electronic money, e-banking, Gomperc diffusion model
It gives a detailed analysis of current situation on the market of cashless payments. It is presented statistics of its main instruments: bankcards, e-cash, mobile and Internet banking. The author put forward suggestion on mechanisms to stimulate the development of cashless retail payments, conceptual approaches in its strategic development are considered. The author forecast the development of the market of cashless retail payments for the next few years. It is expected that volume of cashless payments will reach 17.5%. by 2020 while such high growth rate of its is going on.

1. Oficial'nyy sayt CB RF. URL: http://

2. Oficial'nyy sayt Nacional'nogo agenstva finansovyh issledovaniy URL: http://

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