Russian Federation
The article is focused on the assessment of changes in the structure of the sown areas of cereals and legumеs in intercensal period. Analyses was done by categories of farms and regions. Also changes in weight of areas sowed with elite seeds were estimated. The source of data was the preliminary results of the All-Russian Agricultural Censuses of 2016 and results of 2006 Census. It was concluded that growing cereals and legumes remained attractive to producers, - the area under this crop was growing, but this growth was achieved due to small forms - peasant farms, household plots, while the agricultural organizations reduced the area to some extent, however preserving their leading position in all federal districts. At the same time, serious attention should be paid to the significant gap of peasant farms from the corporate sector in terms of the weight of the areas sown with elite seeds. The growth of crops in small forms may be accompanied by a deterioration in quality.
All-Russian agricultural census, agricultural organizations, agricultural enterprises, crop production, structural changes
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