Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article examines the potential of socio-economic development of the Lipetsk region and predicted by polynomial curves and multiple regression further trends of its development. The basis for economic growth Lipetsk region is its cumulative socio-economic potential. To identify the economic potential of the Lipetsk region will assess the state of socio-economic development of the region, and forecast of further dynamics of its development.

gross regional product, index of production, multiple regression, polynomial growth curve
This article examines the potential of socio-economic development of the Lipetsk region and predicted by polynomial curves and multiple regression further trends of its development. The basis for economic growth Lipetsk region is its cumulative socio-economic potential. To identify the economic potential of the Lipetsk region will assess the state of socio-economic development of the region, and forecast of further dynamics of its development.

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