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Abstract (English):
Water protection and water regulating properties of forests is much higher than the meadows, crops cereals, and depend on the species composition of forest ecosystems and soil texture. The influence of forest ecosystems of water protection zones on salt removal from the soil was confirmed by studies conducted in the basins of the upper reaches of the Moskva River and Klyazma River. From the structure and composition of the ecosystems of water protection zones depends not only on the amount of surface runoff in ponds, but also the chemical composition of runoff. Indicators of anthropogenic pollution of water protection zones of forests can serve as the green mosses that accumulate heavy metals significantly more than other types of forest vegetation.

forest, ecosystem, riparian zones, forest soils, surface runoff
Water protection and water regulating properties of forests is much higher than the meadows, crops cereals, and depend on the species composition of forest ecosystems and soil texture. The influence of forest ecosystems of water protection zones on salt removal from the soil was confirmed by studies conducted in the basins of the upper reaches of the Moskva River and Klyazma River. From the structure and composition of the ecosystems of water protection zones depends not only on the amount of surface runoff in ponds, but also the chemical composition of runoff. Indicators of anthropogenic pollution of water protection zones of forests can serve as the green mosses that accumulate heavy metals significantly more than other types of forest vegetation.

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